Saturday, August 31, 2019

African American and Obama Essay

In â€Å"A More Perfect Union’†, a speech given by Barack Obama, there are multiple issues addressed, with race being the biggest of them all. In Obama’s speech, his main focus is the issue of racism, and he touches on the examples of racism today and how we should cope with these problems. Obama uses various tones and experiences in both his life and the lives of others as well, to portray his thoughts on the subject. Obviously in a speech about racism given by an African American man, there are going to be mixed responses portrayed by the audience, and I think those mixed reactions are exactly what was occurring in the audience. As being part of that audience, I think Obama did an exceptional job of showing how racism is still present today, not only towards African Americans, but every other race as well. In â€Å"A More Perfect Union†, Obama not only talks about the conventional types of racism consisting of whites and blacks, but also that of all the other ethnicities we have in this country. As a result of doing this Obama presents all these issues fairly and unbiased, without concentrating too much on which form of racism applies to him the most, which would be racism towards African Americans. He makes a case that there is also racism towards Caucasian Americans, which is not usually thought of when dealing with prejudice amongst groups of ethnicities. By doing this, Obama really shows that he is presenting his concerns equally, and is no way biased towards a certain group or race in his speech. Obama talks about different types of experiences of racism in his life that many other young African American men and woman might have also experienced. And since he has such a rich cultural family, with many different ethnicities, he makes his life relatable to almost every race in America. The points he uses in his speech are both realistic and appropriate towards the audience that he is addressing, which are the voters of America. Obama had a very valid point which I think intrigued many people, when he spoke of his family situation. He explained his family background and all the different ethnicities that were intertwined within his family tree, including his white grandmother. Just like any other grandson, he loved his grandmother and she loved him no matter what her views on racism were. By presenting this background Obama made it clear that race was no boundary when it came to family life, so why could this not be the case between associates in every day life. I think this story of his grandmother is one of the most vital points in the speech. Most everyone in the audience can relate because mostly everyone in the audience would probably of had a grandmother that they loved as Obama did. Out of everyone in the audience who had a grandmother, I would almost guarantee they would love the same even if they were a different color or race, which is the point Obama is trying to make here. While Obama was giving this speech he had a very distinct tone, which I think was made known to everyone who had heard it. Listening to the speech, I couldn’t help but think of his tone as sad and disappointed. Also I think it was clear that Obama was very disappointed when it came to his feelings regarding his very own Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and rightly so. When talking about active racism going on in a country like America today, there should be no feelings other than disgust and disappointment. I believe that it didn’t take long for the audience to pick up on Obama’s tone for the speech, and henceforth this tone set the stage for the rest of the speech. Obama used his tone to his advantage when speaking and, really helped him make a more emotional speech when talking to his audience. Obama used various different tones and examples when giving his speech to the American people. The reason he did this, was to try to connect with all the different types of audiences he was addressing. Obviously he was addressing the American people, but there are many sub groups within the American people. Obama made sure to speak of racism toward African Americans, as well as other ethnicities, including Caucasian, to eliminate any bias there was when giving the speech as an African American male. Doing this was very important when giving this speech, because if all the different different audiences weren’t addressed, it would automatically be assumed that this African American man, was speaking towards his race only, and therefore isn’t taking into account the rest of the American people. If the audience would of reacted to this speech, I would assume they would think that Obama is not only an unfit candidate for president, but a morally challenged American as well. Obama’s â€Å"A More Perfect Union Speech†, was not just a speech, but a message to all of the American people that we will not succumb to racism today, as we had in the past. By addressing America in this way, I think he gained a lot of respect from people that otherwise wouldn’t have even considered voting for him in his presidential campaign. In his speech he brings up many concerns that we had as a country, and I think that he addressed those concerns as well as anybody could of. Obama presented a lot of valid points, and showed to America that he had many insightful experiences that qualified him to be a successful leader in a country such as the United States. â€Å"A More Perfect Union†, really set the stage for the new movement against racism, by giving this speech Obama changed the view of many Americans’ on the subject of racism, and I think that is exactly what Americans needed to realize.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Extensive Reading Essay

There are many experts who give the definition of reading. One of them is Aebersold and Field. They say: â€Å"†¦ , reading is what happens when people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that text, further, the text and the reader are the two physical entities necessary for the reading process to begin (1997: 15). † It means that when someone sees written symbols in a text, there will be something visualized on the reader’s mind. This process is called reading. Another expert, Williams (1999: 2) states that reading is a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written. In line with Williams, Heilman (1961: 8) says that reading is a process of getting meaning from printed word symbols. It is not merely a process of making conventionalized noises associated with these symbols. In line with them, De Boer and Dallmann (1982: 23) say that reading is a process involving meaningful reaction to printed symbols. Wallace, in his book entitled â€Å"Reading† adds that reading is interpreting which means reacting to a written text as a piece of communication (1996: 4). These four definitions have the same point. The point is that reading is a process of getting the meaning of written text and giving reaction of it as the form of communication between the reader and the writer. Different from some experts above, Davies defines reading from the other point of view. He says that reading is a private. It is a mental or cognitive process which involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer, who is in distant space and time (1995: 1). It means that reading activity connects the reader and the writer although they live in different places and life in different period. Reading is a mental cognitive process, so as the result of this activity the reader is able to give responses about the text’s message. Because reading is a private activity, the process of reading and responding is not directly observable. Most events told in written texts are past experiences; either it is the writer’s experiences or the others’. The success of reading activity is depending on the reader’s ability to visualize it in order to be able to understand and interpret its meaning. Dealing with this fact, Kennedy says: Reading is ability of an individual to recognize a visual form associate the form with a sound and/or meaning acquired in the past, and on the basis of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning (1981: 5). Another expert, Grellet (1981: 7), defines reading as a constant process of guessing, and what one brings to the text is often more important than what one finds in it. It means that before the reader reads the text, he guessed the content of the text and he had already had his own concept. After he reads the text, the reader relates his own concept with the text’s message. Based on some definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is the process of bringing a concept to the text and relating it with the meaning got from the text, in which it is usually a past experience, visualizing it, understanding it, and giving responses as interpretation of this process. Kennedy (1981: 188) says that comprehension is the ability of one to find, interpret, and use ideas. Then, in Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, comprehension is defined as a power to understand something (Hornby, 1995: 235). According to these two definitions, it can be said that comprehension is the ability to understand something through finding interpreting, and using ideas. In line with the statement above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the ability to get the meaning of written symbols, visualize it, and give responses as the interpretation of this process. Narrative text There are some approaches in teaching reading; one of them is genre based approach. According to Hartono (2005:4) the term â€Å"genre† is used to refer to particular text-types, not to traditional varieties of literature. It means that genre is a type or kind of text, defined in terms of its social purposes; also the level of context dealing with social purposes. Based on the communicative purpose, Pardiyono (2007:93-98) classifies the text into eleven types, they are; description, recount, narration, procedure, explanation, discussion, exposition, news item, report, anecdote, and review. However in this study, the text will be focused on the narrative text. Considering the social function, generic structure, and language features of narrative text, narrative text can be defined as a text which tells about past activities or event which concerns on the problematic experience and resolution in order to amuse and even give the moral messages to the reader. The explanation about social function, generic structure, and language features of narrative text is as follow: 1. Social function The social function of a text is quite similar with the purpose of the text. Related to narrative text, the social function is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways. 2. Generic structure The generic structure of narrative text consits of three parts, those are orientation, complication, resolution, and sometimes completed by coda. The further explanation about these parts of narrative text is as follow: a. Orientation Orientation is the introduction of the text. It includes what is inside the text, what the text talks in general, who involves in the text, when and where it happen. b. Complication. In complication, the text talks about what happens with the participants. It explores the conflict among the participants. Complication is the main element of narrative. Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be shown as natural, social or psychological conflict. c. Resolution Resolution is the end of narrative text. This is the phase where the participants solve the problem aroused by the conflict. It is not matter whether the participants succeed or fail. The point is the conflict becomes ended. 3. Language features According to Hartono (2005:7), the language features used in narrative  text are: a. Focus on specific participants b. Use of past tense c. Use of temporal conjunction d. Use of material (or action) processes Video as Media in Teaching 1. Media a. The Definition of Media Etymologically, the word â€Å"media† comes from Latin language â€Å"medius†. Literally, it means mediator or companion. Media is the messages mediator or companion from the sender to the receiver (Arsyad, 2005:3) Association for education and communication technology (AECT) in Sadiman (2002:6) defines media as all forms and lines which are used by people to convey information. According to Gagne, media is many kinds of components in students’ environment that can stimulate them to study (Sadiman dkk, 2002:6). Based on those definitions above, it can be concluded that media are all things that can be used to deliver the message from sender to receiver so it can stimulate the mind, feeling, attention, and students’ interest in order to attain the teaching and learning process. b. Kinds of Media Media can be classified into three categories: visual, audio, and audio visual. (http://edu-articles. com) 1) Visual media. There are two kinds of visual media; those are unprojected media and projected media. a) Unprojected media Unprojected media can be divided into: (1) Realia or real thing. The object must not be presented in class, but students should be able to see and observe them. For example the students observe the ecosystem, plant, the diversity of living thing, et cetera. This media is able to give real experiences to the students. (2) Model. Model is the imitation of real thing presented in three dimension form as substitution of the real thing. This media helps the teacher to present the object that cannot be brought into the class, for example digestion system, respiration system, excretion system, et cetera. (3) Graphic. The functions of graphic are to catch the students’ attention, clarify the lesson, and illustrate the fact or forgettable concept. There are many kinds of graphic, such as picture, sketch, scheme, chart, and graph. b) Projected media There are two types of projected media: (1) Transparency of OHP. This is stated as the real media because the teacher must not change the lay out of the class and still able to face the students. Transparency media includes software (OHT) and hardware (OHP). (2) Bordered film or slide. This is a transparent film that usually has measurement of 35mms and border 2Ãâ€"2 inches. The use of this media is the same as OHP, but the visualization of this media is better than OHP. 2) Audio media There are two kinds of audio media that are commonly used: a) Radio. Radio is electronic tool that can be used to listen to the news, new important events, life problems, et cetera. b) Audio cassette. This tool is cheaper than the other because the supplying and the treatment cost are relatively cheap. 3) Audio visual media There are many kinds of audio visual tool: a) Video. This is one kind of audio visual media, besides film. In learning process, this tool is usually presented in the form of VCD. b) Computer. This tool has all the benefit of the other media. Computer is able to show text, picture, sound and picture, and can also be used interactively. Even, computer can be connected to internet to browse the unlimited learning sources. c. The Characteristics of Education Media Gerlach and Ely in Arsyad (2005: 12-14) propose three characteristics of education media; those are fixative property, manipulative property, and distributive property. 1) Fixative property This characteristic explains the ability of media to record, save, continue, and reconstruct an event or object. The event or object can be put in the right order and rearranged using media such as photograph, video tape, audio tape, computer disc, and film. By this characteristic, an event that just  once in a life time can be perpetuated and rearranged for education 2) Manipulative property This characteristic enables an event to be transformed, so the event that needs long time can be shorted in order to be showed in class, for example the process of metamorphosis, the record of motion in sport class, the plant treatment, et cetera. 3) Distributive property This kind of characteristics enables an object or event to be transported through space and be served together in a number of students, in which each other get the same experiences. Once information was recorded, it can be reproduced for many times and be together in many different places. d. The Importance of Media in Teaching The importance of media can be seen from its roles and functions in education. As stated by Prawiradilaga and Siregar, media have two main roles, those are: media as AVA (audio visual aids) so it can give the students concrete experiences and media as communication so it can connect the students as receivers with the material in order that it can be received well (2004: 6). In the next pages, Prawiradilaga and Siregar (2004:8-13) explain the detail functions of media are: 1) Give the knowledge about the learning goals 2) Motivate the students 3) Present the information 4) Stimulate the discussion 5) Lead the students’ activities 6) Do the exercises and quizzes 7) Strength the learning process 8) Give the simulation experiences Meanwhile, Encyclopedia of Educational Research in Arsyad (2005: 25) elaborates the functions of media in teaching as follow: 1) Put on the concrete basics to think, so it decreases the verbalism 2) Improve the students’ attention. 3) Put on the important basics for the development of study, so it makes the lesson more steady 4) Give real experiences for the students so they can effort by them self 5) Emerge the regular and continued thinking, especially about life pictures 6) Help the emerge of understanding that can help the students’ language development 7) Give experiences that cannot be achieved by the other way and give the efficiency and variety in the way of study Besides, Nugraha adds the importance of media (http://yudinugraha. co. cc ), such as: 1) The presentation of the material becomes more standard. 2) The arrangement of the media that is structured and planned well helps the teacher teaches in the same quality and quantity for all classes. 3) The learning process is more interesting and interacting. 4) The students are more active. 5) It is efficient in using time. 6) The learning quality of the students can be improved. 7) Et cetera. e. The Ways in Choosing Media in Teaching Sudirman (1991) in Nugraha (http://yudinugraha. co. cc ) proposes three principles of choosing media in teaching as follow: 1) The goal of choosing media. The choosing of the media that will be used should be based on the goal of its choosing. 2) The characteristic of media. Each media has its own characteristic so it should be adjusted with the material. 3) Alternative choices. Choosing media is the process of making decision and many of alternative choices. Besides the principles above, according to Aristo, the factors that should be taken into account in choosing media are (http://aristorahadi. wordpress. com): 1) Objectivity. A teacher should be objective. It means that a teacher cannot choose the media based own his own. 2) Learning program. The media that will be used should be suited with the level of the students. 3) Technical quality. Technically, the media used should be checked whether it is filling the requirement or not. 4) The effectiveness. Are the media can help the students achieve the learning goal? 5) Time. How long time is needed to prepare and present this media? 6) Cost. The cost that should be paid to present this media must be adjusted with the budget. 7) Availability. The easiness of finding this media should be considered too. If the media we look for are not available, we can substitute it with other media that are suitable. 2. Narrative Video a. The Definition of Narrative Video Video is one of media used to convey the learning’s message. In Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, video is defined as type of magnetic tape used for recording moving pictures and sound (1995: 1327). It means that video has two elements, those are audio and visual. The audio enables the students to receive the message using their hearing and the visual enables the students to receive the message using their eyesight. According to Sadiman (2002: 76), the message presented in the video can be a fact or fictitious, can be informative, educative, or instructive. It is informative, it means that much information from many experts in this world can be recorded in video tape, so it can be received by the students everywhere they are. Video is also educative and instructive; it means that the message of the video can give concrete experiences to the students, so they can apply it in their daily life. Related to narrative, narrative can be defined based on its social function, generic structure, and language feature as a text which says the past activities or event which concerns on the problematic experience and resolution in order to amuse and even give the moral messages to the reader. Considering the definition above, narrative video can be describe as a certain kind of magnetic tape used for recording moving pictures and sound about past activities or event which concerns on the problematic experience and resolution in order to amuse and even give the moral messages to the reader. b. The Benefit of Using Narrative Video in Teaching Generally, the benefit of using narrative video in teaching is quite the same as the benefit of using other videos in teaching. According to Sadiman dkk, (2002:76-77) video has some benefits, those are: 1) It can catch the students’ attention easily. 2) Much information from many experts in this world can be recorded in video tape, so it can be received by the students everywhere they are. 3) The difficult demonstration can be prepared before, so the teacher is able to concern on his presentation. 4) It is more efficient in using time. 5) It can present dangerous object that cannot be brought into the class. 6) The volume can be adjusted. 7) The picture can be frozen so it can be inserted the teacher’s comment. 8) The light of the room does not need to be turn off. c. The Purposes of the Use of Narrative Video in Teaching Anderson (1994: 104-105) proposes some purposes of the use of video in teaching. These purposes are divided into three aspect, for cognitive aspect, for psychomotor aspect, and for affective aspect. These purposes are the same with the purposes of narrative video in teaching, those are: 1) For cognitive aspect a) Develop the recall and motion skill. For example, the observation about relative speed and a moving object. b) Able to show a series of motionless pictures, without sound, as photo or bordered film c) Able to give knowledge about certain laws and principles d) Able to show the right way in having attitude in a performance, especially about the students’ interaction 2) For psychomotor aspect a) Able to show the skill about motion well because it can speed up or down so the motion can be observed clearly. b) The students get the feedback directly and visually about a motion so they can repair their motion well. 3) For affective aspect Video can be a good media to influence the attitude and emotion. For example, play a short story that is suitable with the topic. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aebersold, Jo ann and Mary Lee Field. 1997. From Reader to Reading Teacher. 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Harlow: Longman Hartono, Rudi. 2005. Genre of Texts. Semarang: Semarang State University Heilman, Arthur W. 1961. Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading. Columbus: Charles E Merrill Books Inc. Hopkins, David. 1985. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Hornby, A. S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press Kartono, Kartini. 1983. Pengantar Metodologi Riset Sosial. Bandung: Penerbit Mandar Maju. Kennedy, Eddie C. 1981. Methods of Teaching Developmental Reading. USA: FE Peackock Publisher Inc. Nugraha, Yudi. _____. Media Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan. Available at http://yudinugraha. co. cc Nunan, David. 1992. Research Method in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset. Prawiradilaga, Dewi Salma dan Eveline Siregar. 2004. Mozaik Technology Pendidikan. Jakarta: Prenada Media Rahadi, Aristo. 2008. Bagaimana Memilih Media Pembelajaran. Available at http://aristorahadi. wordpress. com Sadiman, Arif S. Dkk. 2002. Media Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Perkasa Wallace, Catherine. 1996. Reading. New york: Oxford University Press Williams, Eddie. 1999. Reading in the Language Classroom. London: Pheonix FLT Zainul, Asmawi and Noehl Nasoetion. 1997. Program Pengembangan Keterampilan Teknik Intruksional (pekerti) Untuk Dosen Muda. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Jakarta Press. Zuber, Ortrun and Skerritt. 1996. New Directions in Action Research. London: Falmer Press. www. smanbanyumas. sch. id www. youtube. com IMPROVING STUDENT’S READING COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT USING NARRATIVE VIDEO (An Action Research at Tenth Grader of SMA Negeri Banyumas in Academic Year of 2010/2011) PRI WAHYUDI HERMAWAN K2208043 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY 2010.

Leonardo da Vinci in our life

Leonardo dad Vine's contribution to the era of Renaissance The Renaissance era created an immense amount of talented scientists, artists, inventors, and philosophers who contributed great deal to the development of human race. In history it is hard to find a similar genius individual as the creator of High Renaissance art – Leonardo dad Vinci. Even aftereffects of research on his creations, we are still captivated by the brilliance of his works. Leonardo dad Vinci was an artist, a sculptor, an architect, a philosopher, a historian, a mathematician, a physicist, a mechanic, and an astronomer. Consider Leonardo a genius of the High Renaissance.He was undeniably way ahead of his time, and is undoubtedly one of desegregates geniuses that ever lived. He played an enormous role in the development of art and science of the High Renaissance in Italy. His creations â€Å"Last Supper† (495-97) and â€Å"Mona Lisa† (1503-06) are among the most widely popular art works of th e Renaissance. The â€Å"Mona Lisa† painting is a good example of his work which contributed to the development of art in the Renaissance. The Mona Lisa is a portrait of a wife of a Florentine noble. She refused to smile; Leonardo even tried ring musicians but that didn't change her mind.At last, Just for a second she smiled faintly and Leonardo was able to capture it. In his drawing Leonardo masters the techniques of Suffuse and Chiaroscuro. Suffuse involves the most gradual transition from one color to another, giving it a very delicate and expressive image. As mentioned in the studies, Chiaroscuro highlights the contrast of light and shadow. In the Mona Lisa, this is most evident in the contrast between the face and the dark background. I consider the â€Å"Mona Lisa† his most beautiful creation. Leonardo dad Vinci highly influenced the development of science of the High Renaissance in Italy.He is considered one of the prominent contributors to the scientific discov eries of the era. Dad Vinci extended his studies into science and other subjects. For example, he drew complex models of flying machines, as he was fascinated by flight. He also attempted to build flying objects himself and designed an immense amount of mechanical devices. Based on his studies of birds, he drew a human powered ornithology, which is a wing flapping machinate would fly, mimicking the movement of a bird in flight. As a result, some of the machines that he drew on paper such as helicopters would become reality many centuries later.He also had knowledge in the studies of anatomy and was one of the first to understand the circulation of blood in the human body. There seemed to be no limit to his interests and work. Leonardo dad Vinci is one the most prominent individualists lived in the Renaissance era and contributed a vast amount of scientific discoveries and beautiful works of art which are genius and timeless. Leonardo looked far ahead of his time and influenced our g eneration and development of the modern world today. Leonardo dad Vinci in our life By Andrews

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advertising and Print Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advertising and Print Media - Essay Example This is particularly because most of the affluent consumers are often more apt to spending on luxury vehicles and are therefore the main target of luxury automakers such as BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz (Shea, 1). Generally, luxury products as opposed to other products usually benefit from consistent and long term advertisement. According to many analysts, what have really worked for the BMW is the advertising marketing efforts that focused on the product, good service and attractive values. According to Maguire(2), BMW has been identical with unique comfort and fine quality for several decades and has particularly created a number of campaigns that featured in magazine ads, television and web ads that presented its products as the ultimate luxury vehicles in an attempt to boost its sales. â€Å"The road home† Web film Advert In 2012, the giant automaker featured emotions of holiday homecomings it one of its social videos known as â€Å"The road home†. The video showed pe ople making numerous trips in BMW x series vehicles and the company wished the consumers well during and after the holiday season (BMW web film, 2012). Although the video was first posted on BMWs social media accounts such as the Facebook, it soon featured in the other popular channels such as the television and was particularly aired on NBC during a Football broadcast. BMW. TV Advert for series 3 Sedan BMW also showed off one of its new 3 series sedan on an extensive mail campaign that also featured glossy print images and attractive postcards highlighting some of the luxury features of the new 3 series Sedan. Additionally, to enhance its brand identity, BMW has also enacted a 360 degrees marketing and branding campaign that shows the company’s sponsorship of sporting activities such as Team USA in the 2012 London Olympics. The advert attempts to depict that the BMW 3 series sedan car never wanders away over the white line and seat belt should be fastened. System authorizati on demands that a car being driven should not be more than the legal speed limit, otherwise subtitle tells professional drivers on closed roads. These hotshot directors run the shoot. Generally, the TV commercial advert seeks to present the new BMW 3 series as the ultimate luxury vehicle that offers a unique driving pleasure as well as other important driving features such as adaptive suspension, Analysis of the two BMW ads Given the high success of â€Å"The road home† web film by the BMW, the company has significantly increased its sales. According to O' Guinn and Chris (14), brand promotion requires a series of well coordinated media campaigns that communicate a cohesive theme of brand identity. In this regard, given the rising sales of BMW luxury vehicles following the launch of the two advertisements, it can be argued that the company has successfully used both the traditional media advertisements and web advertising to enhance their product awareness, sales, customer lo yalty, competitiveness and the overall company value. Generally, there are a number of sociological, economic, political and cultural attitudes that are indirectly reflected in both the two BMWs adverts. According to O’Neill, advertisements are just but a reflection of our society. Throughout his publication,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The effectiveness of the budgetary control system in 'Cleaning For Essay

The effectiveness of the budgetary control system in 'Cleaning For London' - Essay Example It will include illustrating and evaluating the role of budgetary control in support to internal planning and decision making. It aims to create an effective budgetary control system for its operations, to identify cost behaviours and to propose a suitable recommendation for improvement. Budget is a quantitative financial plan of operations. It identifies the resources needed in order to accomplish the organisation’s goals and objectives. It contains detailed plans and policies to be pursued in a future accounting period. It is continuous where one updates the budget for the year at the end of each month or each quarter. A continuous budget remains more relevant and more current. As a service company, â€Å"Cleaning Services for London† the operating budget includes purchase budget, human resources budget and sales budget. One of the major facets of budgeting is cost control. Budgets are the key to cost control. The purpose of budgetary control is to help master the financial aspects of the company’s operations and solve problems before they occur. Financial control is exercised by managers in preparing budgets for revenues and expenditures of an organisation in advance. Budgetary control facilitates the management and allocation of resources and funds in operating the business to achieve desired outcomes or to provide basis for revision of business objectives and plans. The activities of the company are categorized into two – revenue generators and cost drivers. These main activities summarise the operations of the company in financial terms where revenue generators are cash inflow of the company while cost drivers are expenses incurred in the operation of the business. The company utilises a simple budget system in line with a business plan for one year. The manager who is responsible for the financial, marketing, administrative and operational matters uses cash flow forecasts as basis

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advanced critical writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advanced critical writing - Essay Example This is especially the case where employees are set for promotion and career growth. The noble cause of training and developing the human resources is however not without flaws. Training carries potential financial risks and brain drain, especially when trained employees quit immediately after receiving the training. In light of this, training should be accompanied by best practices in employee management such as motivation and proper staffing in order to achieve the best outcomes. This paper argues that employee training is vital to organizations and individual staffs. Employee training and development improves the performance by eliminating most of the weaknesses in the staffs in the workplace. A training initiative enables the organization to sharpen those skills needed by each staff to limit errors and carry out tasks satisfactorily and within a reasonable duration of time (Jayakumar, David, & Sulthan, 2014). Such programs bring all the staffs covered by it to a higher pedestal where the skill-sets and knowledge are relatively uniform. This limits any weaknesses within the human resources which may otherwise prompt heavy reliance on a few staffs to complete certain tasks. Providing the vital training and development creates generally knowledgeable workforces who can stand in for one another and thus improve functioning teams that can work independently without continuous assistance and supervision (Sung, & Choi, 2014). In addition, Latif, Jan and Shaheen (2013) suggested that training limits employee burnout and high turnover rates which otherw ise would be ubiquitous in a workplace environment where the company relies of a few skilled employees to perform non-technical jobs. A structured employee training and development initiative ensures that the staffs have reliable experience and contextual knowledge to handle virtually any corporate challenge which they may come across. Jayakumar, David and

Monday, August 26, 2019

The current economic situation of UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The current economic situation of UK - Essay Example Morris Capital is going to face a situation in which there may be a gap between its inflows and outflows and as such its liquidity may be drained in coming periods. Based on this, it is estimated that the fund withdrawals will be 3% more than the inflows received by the firm owing to the fact that its investment strategy allow investors to start withdrawing the funds after five years. Considering this situation, the Investment Committee of Morris Capital is going to meet in March 2010 to further discuss the strategic allocation of the assets as well as outline the future course of action. This report will therefore provide an overview of the current investment environment and provide alternatives for plausible asset allocation along with the recommendations for the future course of action that may be taken. The current economic situation of UK is relatively more unstable owing to the financial meltdown that occurred during 2007. The overall situation is not considered as healthy as the estimates indicate that the UK’s economy will grow at a very sluggish rate as IMF’s forecasts indicate that the UK’s economy is its worst after 1930s. During 2009, UK’s economy experienced a growth rate of just 0.1%1 during the last quarter of 2009 indicating the overall state of the economic conditions.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human and animal interrelationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human and animal interrelationships - Essay Example Although highly anthropomorphized in their thinking and approaches, the rabbits are true to the idea of wild rabbits. Most animals in the wild make an effort to avoid humanity and their interactions are often that of hunter versus prey, forced domestication, and protection of crops and property (Grandgeorge, and Hausberger 397-399). They, human beings, are seldom beneficial for the animals in the long run. I find this book to be a realistic manifestation of human and animal interactions in that it provides a realistic relationship of avoidance and inadvertent contact. Chapter Summaries/Analysis PART 1: The Journey Chapter 1: The Notice Board The opening introduces us to the rabbits, and the main characters, of the â€Å"Sandleford† Warren. The rabbits are out grazing when they are forced away from a the â€Å"cowslip† growing in the field by the Warren Owsla, which is the ruling class and pseudo military of the warren, who believe that the best foods are reserved for th em. Fiver, Hazel’s brother, is thought to be a bit psychic believes that something bas is going to happen but he does not know what. He directs attention to a sign posted on the property. The rabbits cannot read it, but it clearly states that human construction is coming to this filed; this means that Fiver’s vision may not be entirely unfounded (Adams 11-160). Human beings, although not there in person, have a very important role in the opening of this story; in fact, they are the motivating factor in Five’s fears. The sign represents the human presence and intentions for the area presently being occupied by the rabbit warren. This could be perceived as an example for human shortsightedness and disregard for the consequences of their actions where other species are concerned and the threat they present to other living things homes. The relationship between the animals and man is one of negative cause and effect, without interaction at all. Chapter 2: The Chief Rabbit Fiver's concerns and dreams about the â€Å"bad† things that are coming are getting worse. He wakes Hazel in the night because he believes that they all must leave the warren before it is too late. The next morning Hazel takes his brother to speak to the Chief Rabbit, ruler of the warren, about fiver’s fears. They have to convince BigWig, Owsla guard, that the issue was important enough to disturb the Chief. He relays his vision to the Chief who ultimately dismisses them without really believing them. Hazel defended his brother’s â€Å"gift† but to no avail. BigWig receives an unpleasant admonishment for letting them in the first place (Adams 17-21). The interaction of humans in this chapter is nonexistent. Other than the reference made to Fiver’s vision and the posting in the field. However, no direct or indirect human interaction occurs. This chapter is used to show readers those daily goings-on within the warren. Chapter 3: Hazel’s Decision Hazel decides that he, his brother, and any other warren members that want to will be leaving the Warren. Dandelion and Blackberry explain that life for the bucks, male rabbits, in the warren that were not members of the Owsla life was not very promising. BigWig, also, wants to go. However, Captain Holly, in particular is an Owsla that may mean trouble for them (Adams 22-25). Again the human presence in this chapter is essentially irrelevant. They do not appear in this chapter in any way, shape or form. Chapter 4: The Departure This point in the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

School Administrator Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

School Administrator Interview - Essay Example Money is more important in determining how well students are likely to do. Various studies and analyses are persuasive in showing that, with the possible exception of facilities, there is evidence of statistically reliable relations between educational resource inputs and school outcomes, and that there is much more evidence of positive relations than of negative relations between resource inputs and outcomes. hiring teachers with stronger literacy skills, hiring more teachers (when students-per-teacher exceed 18), retaining experienced teachers, and attracting more teachers with advanced training are all measures that produce higher test scores in exchange for more money. And in order to achieve this they have to offer substantially higher salaries to teachers to attract and retain high quality instructors. This would help confirm a link between expenditures and student achievement. This concludes that school can increase its funding buy showing student outcomes and that in turn can be done by using existing resources skillfully.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Walt Disney World and Its Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Walt Disney World and Its Organizations - Essay Example Since its formation, the company has produced many movies that have topped the US as well as UK charts (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The paper includes the company’s mission and vision along with the company’s different subsidiaries. Mission and Vision of The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company is an America based multinational company. Originally, the mission of The Walt Disney Company was to ‘nurture the imaginations of children around the world as well as to celebrate American values’ (Reocities, ‘The Walt Disney Company-a Case Study’). The mission itself states the company’s operations. Most of the company’s operations are children oriented. As it has been stated in their mission, the children are the main center of the organizational operations and even the various subsidiary activities organized by the company are entertainment as well as children oriented (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). However, the mission of the company has changed stating to be â€Å"one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world† (Duran & Et. Al., â€Å"The Walt Disney†).... The Walt Disney Studios The Walt Disney Studios can be considered as the foundation of Disney. This legendary company started its journey from this milestone. The Walt Disney Studios is renowned for its ‘animated features and live motion pictures’ (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The characters it created include Mickey Mouse and friends, which are the animation legends. The company is considered to be the world’s very first full length animation creator with its created character Mickey Mouse and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). Distribution of motion pictures is done by The Walt Disney Studios under its allied organization, Walt Disney Pictures. Walt Disney Pictures includes its other allied companies such as DisneyToon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The company had acquired the company, Pixar, in May of the year 2006. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International is another segment of the company which operates in international distribution of the motion pictures. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is the segment of the company which deals in distribution of the motion pictures of Disney as well as other movies through the means of rental and sells by home entertainment markets such as DVDs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The presence of The Walt Disney Company also can be marked in the theaters. The company owns Disney Theatrical Productions House which is also considered to be among the leading producers of the famous Broadway musicals. This also consists of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Business entities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business entities - Essay Example The former is considered to be a prescriptive approach, and the latter an explanatory, descriptive, or predictive approach. Normative business ethics is the domain of philosophers and theologians, while empirical business ethics is considered to be the domain of management consultants and business school professors. Scholars who represent these different domains are said to be guided by different theories, assumptions, and norms which often result in misunderstanding or lack of appreciation for each others endeavors. The normative approach, rooted in philosophy and the liberal arts, focuses its attention on questions of what ought to be, and how an individual or business ought to behave in order to be ethical. The empirical approach, rooted in management and the social sciences, is generally concerned with questions of what is, assuming that the organizational world is basically objective and "out there" awaiting impartial exploration and discovery. Empiricist answer questions of what is by attempting to describe, explain, or predict phenomena in the natural world using the agreed-upon methodologies of their social scientific training. The social scientist may devalue the philosophers moral judgments because these judgments cannot be understood in empirical terms and cannot be verified by empirical testing or be used to predict or explain behavior. The social scientists statements about morality, on the other hand, are seen to be of little value to the philosopher because such statements do not address the essential questions of right and wrong. Normative ethical theories develop standards by which the propriety of certain practices in the business world can be evaluated. In contrast, the empirical approach focuses on identifying definable and measurable factors within the individual psyches and social contexts that influence individual and organizational ethical behavior. (Trevino 1994) Gary Weaver and Linda Tevino have outlined three

Verbs And Adverbs Essay Example for Free

Verbs And Adverbs Essay An action verb is underlined in each sentence. Write the number of the Circle the adverb that describes the verb. 1. My grandpa snored loudly. 2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday. 3. I will visit my friend tomorrow. 4. George, will you come here? 5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool. 6. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house. 7. Neil stopped suddenly and listened. 8. Nathan stamped his feet angrily. 9. I carefully glued the last piece onto the model. 10. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice. 11. Yesterday, they played a game. 12. The truck grumbled loudly. 13. We will go to the concert soon. 14. Jen waited patiently for the computer to load. 15. Kayla finally arrived at the park. 16. My mother nicely reminded me to do my homework. 17. The astronaut easily fixed the problem. 18. I usually hug my mother when I get home. 19. My dog always barks. 20. Peter neatly wrote a shopping list. An action verb is underlined in each sentence. Write the number of the Circle the adverb that describes the verb. 1. My grandpa snored loudly. 2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday. 3. I will visit my friend tomorrow. 4. George, will you come here? 5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool. 6. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house. 7. Neil stopped suddenly and listened. 8. Nathan stamped his feet angrily. 9. I carefully glued the last piece onto the model. 10. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice. 11. Yesterday, they played a game. 12. The truck grumbled loudly. 13. We will go to the concert soon. 14. Jen waited patiently for the computer to load. 15. Kayla finally arrived at the park. 16. My mother nicely reminded me to do my homework. 17. The astronaut easily fixed the problem. 18. I usually hug my mother when I get home. 19. My dog always barks. 20. Peter neatly wrote a shopping list.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Summary Of The Da Vinci Code

Summary Of The Da Vinci Code To begin with, Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American author and journalist Dan Brown and published in 2003 by publishing house Random House. It should be noted that Da Vinci Code was a continuation of another Dan Browns popular novel Angels and Demons (2000). As a fact, the book has become an international bestseller: it is translated into 44 languages and there are published a total circulation of more than 81 million copies. The Da Vinci Code has top position in the New York Times list of best-selling magazines. Many experts consider the novel as the best book of the decade. Novel is written in the genre of intellectual detective thriller and has arisen widespread interest to the legend of the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalenes place in the history of Christianity, as described in The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. It can be said that on a plot of the book its main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious symbology at Harvard University, should unravel the murder of Jacques Sauniere, curator of the Louvre. As a fact, Saunieres body was found inside the Louvre naked and placed in the same way as in the famous drawing by Leonardo Da Vincis Vitruvian Man, with an encrypted inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the mystery of the murder is hidden inside the famous works of Leonardo Da Vinci. As a result, analysis of such works of Leonardo as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper greatly helps in solving this puzzle. In the meantime, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Sauniere Sophie Neveu. All her family (mother, father, brother, grandmother) had died in a car accident. Now, Sophie and Robert will unravel many secrets and mysteries. However, Captain Fache is from police, and believes that Langdon had killed Jacques Sauniere. It can be said that Robert a nd Sophie will have to prove his innocence. The protagonist of the novel will address two main puzzles: what a mystery was defended by Sauniere and why he was killed? Who killed Sauniere and who had planned this murder? According to Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The Da Vinci Code), it should be noted that unraveling the mystery requires the solution of a series of puzzles. The secret of the Holy Grail location is known to a secret society, the so-called Priory of Sion and the Order of the Knights Templar. The Catholic Church organization Opus Dei also plays an important role in the plot. The novel has several parallel plot lines involving the various characters. At the end of the book all the story lines come together and are resolved in the Rosslyn chapel. It should be noted that the novel could be unnoticed by various Christian religious figures, if it had not had such success, and if on the first page of the book was not asserted the truth of the events that were described in the novel. As a fact, the criticisms draw attention to the large number of inaccuracies in the presentation of history, the interpretation of historical facts, and use all sorts of unsubstantiated legends. Consequently, Archbishop Angelo Amato, who is the second man in the Vatican after the Pope called on all Catholics to boycott the film Da Vinci Code. Archbishop Amato called Browns book: stridently anti-Christian, full of calumnies, offenses and historical and theological errors regarding Jesus, the Gospels and hostile Church, and called its success by extreme cultural poverty of a large number of Christian believers. Amato urged Christians with great zeal to reject the lies and cheap slander. He also said that if such lies and slanders were directed at the Qu ran or the Holocaust, they rightly would have caused a world uprising, while the lies and slander against the Church and Christians, remain unpunished, as described in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. As a fact, Amato suggested that Catholics around the world should begin organized protests against the book and the film Da Vinci Code exactly the same as there were protests against Martin Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988. However, it can be said that opposing Da Vinci Code by representatives of Christian church not only fuels the hype of the novel, and raises its rating, but it is consistent with the content of the novel, in which the Church seeks to hide some kind of truth, which is presented in the novel, as stated in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. In my opinion this is a great novel and I like it very much. To be more precise, the novel has dynamic plot, which is based on one of the most interesting historical mystery. It has vivid characters, a detailed narrative that fully immerses the reader in the atmosphere of the novel. As a fact, for the Dan Browns Da Vinci Code these terms were enough to become one of the most famous bestsellers in recent years. Moreover, in America, Da Vinci Code has literally revived the genre of historical detective, giving it such popularity, that this genre works have not previously received. It can be said that for high-performance sales, and many laudatory reviews of hiding bad, there is a nice detective, which in an accessible form tells the reader about some mystery hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci. Revealing the mystery, the protagonist of the book with his head is dipped into historical investigation, the results and details of which both look shocking and realistic. In my opinion, this realism, combined with the availability of exposition and narrative detail, is one of the main virtues of the book. Valiantly twirled plot complements the cocktail, condemning the novel to succeed. On the other hand, the novel has weak sides, among them is a pretty weak syllable of the author many critics consider that the author has a rustic style of presentation. On the other hand, the audience of the novel is so broad that a simple style of presentation has not spoiled the novel much- rather on the contrary; thanks to this, Da Vinci Code is a book that is understandable and accessible to everybody without exception. To sum it up, Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown can be characterized as one of the most urgent must have books of the recent decade. And everybody should read this book not only because it still remains one of the most fashionable pieces Da Vinci Code is a really interesting, exciting and at the same time sufficiently intelligent, revealing the multiple storylines prose. Work cited Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. 15 February 2011. Julian Price. 2009. The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. 15 February 2011. Pascasio Felisilda. 2009. Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The DaVinci Code). 15 February 2011.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Life Cycle of a Compact Disc (DC)

Life Cycle of a Compact Disc (DC) LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF A COMPACT DISC CDs have become an essential item in everybodys life. Despite its simple structure, it allows you to listen hours of music, to watch films on a player as well as to store a huge amount of information. For all these reasons, CDs consumption has increased in the last few years. Thats way a compact disc is an important matter of analysis in terms of life cycle and environmental footprint. In this essay Ill discuss the main points on the life cycle of this product from its creation to the final stage of its life. MATERIALS ACQUISITION CDs are made of many different materials. The main of them are: aluminum, polycarbonate, lacquer, gold, dyes and some other materials such as water, glass, silver and nickel. Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the Earths crust but the common aluminum is not economic sources of the metal. Thats why almost all metallic aluminum is produced from ore bauxite. Smelting of the ore occurs in different countries than the mining activity, so it involves its transportation. Polycarbonate is a type of plastic which is made from crude oil and natural gas extracted from the Earth. Lacquer is made of acrylic, another type of plastic. Gold is straight mined from the Earth. Dyes are chemicals made in laboratory, partially from petroleum products that come from the Earth. Mining is a key process at this point of the life cycle as it supposes the obtaining of the necessary raw materials that will make up the CD. All mining process involves the use of machinery such as trucks and excavator. Those vehicles consume energy and release CO2 emission to the atmosphere. In this stage, proposing any improvement is difficult as nowadays there is no other way of getting raw materials from Earths crust but by means of excavators. MATERIALS PROCESSING Materials acquisition is not the previous step to the manufacturing process. Most mined materials must be processed before manufacturers can use them to make CDs. As I mentioned before, bauxite ore is processed into a substance called â€Å"alumina† by washing, crushing, dissolving, filtering, and harvesting the materials. Alumina is then turned into aluminum through a process called â€Å"smelting.† Then the metal is shaped, rolled, or made into a cast. Regarding this material process, it has to be taken into account the fact that larger deposits of bauxite occur in certain countries and its processing takes place in different points of the world. This implies transportation from one place to the other and its consequent CO2 emissions. To make plastics, crude oil is extracted from the ground and combined with natural gas and chemicals in a manufacturing or processing plant. In some cases, burning plastics as part of a process can release toxic fumes. Moreover, the manufacturing of plastic often creates large quantities of chemical pollutants. In order to determine the carbon footprint due to all those material processes, we have to take into account the energy consumed in manufacturing and processing plant. Energy consumption is kept at a high level as smelting and some chemical processes require a huge amount of energy to be accomplished. MANUFACTURING PROCESS The manufacturing process of a CD is complex. An injection molding machine creates the core of the disc, a 1-millimeter thick piece of polycarbonate (plastic). Polycarbonate is melted and poured in a mold. Then, with the aid off high pressure, a stamper embeds tiny indentations, or pits, with digital information into the plastic mold. Those indentations or pits will be read by a laser when playing a CD. Therefore, it is an accurate process and it involves some specialized tools and machines. Then, the so-called process â€Å"sputtering† takes places. Through it, the â€Å"metallizer† machine coats the CDs with a thin metal reflective layer (usually aluminum). The playback laser reads the information off of the reflective aluminum surface. In order to protect the CD against scratching and corrosion, it receives a layer of lacquer as a protecting coating. Most CDs are screen printed with one to five different colors for a decorative label. Screen printing involves the use of many materials, including stencils, queegees, and inks. In the manufacturing process, a considerable amount of environmental aggressive products are used such as lacquer and inks. PACKAGING CDs are packaged in clear or colored plastic cases or cardboard boxes that are then covered with plastic shrink wrap. This packaging can be made from recycled or raw materials. For example, the plastic used can be from recycled bottles or from crude oil and natural gas extracted from the Earth and combined with chemicals. Manufacturing cardboard require cutting trees down. This is an important and aggressive action against the environment and therefore, it has to be taken into account when evaluating the environmental cost of packaging CDs. TRANSPORTATION/DISTRIBUTION The transportation supposes a considerable contribution to carbon footprint. Once discs are packaged, they are sent to all parts in the world where they are distributed. Transportation by plane, truck, or rail requires the use of fossil fuels for energy, which contribute to climate change. Moreover, manufacturing plants usually are located in underdeveloped countries due to economic reasons whereas the main consumption of this product is registered in developed countries. This involves long transport distances and then important CO2 emissions. USEFUL LIFE CDs are created with materials that are extremely stable. If properly stored and handled, most discs will last for decades. Certain conditions, such as high humidity, or extended periods of high temperatures, rapid temperature changes, and exposure to certain types of light, can damage discs and shorten their useful life. Keeping discs out of direct sunlight and away from heat and water will help them last longer. Following those easy instructions not only will save money, but it will also reduce the discs environmental impacts by preventing waste. From my point of view, this stage has an important meaning in terms of waste minimization. Our CDs consumption rate would decrease significantly if handling them properly. Making the useful life longer involves reducing all the process previous to the use, and so reducing the carbon footprint generated by the processing, manufacturing, transport process, etc. REUSE, RECYCLE OR DISPOSAL In order to reduce the discs environmental impacts, the disposal must be seen as the last option. Depending on their condition, discs can be reused or recycled instead of thrown away. Reuse A good way to keep discs out of the garbage is to reuse them. In this sense, one of the reasons why we get rid of discs is scratches. Minor scratches can be repaired by rubbing a mild abrasive (such as toothpaste) on the non-label side of a disc in a circular motion from the center out. Also, some commercial refinishers can inexpensively repair your CDs. Another main reason is that the disc is not longer wanted. Unwanted CDs or can be sold to some stores, traded with friends, or donated to schools, libraries, or other organizations. Buying used CDs borrowing them from the library can also help reduce the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new products. In my opinion this is the better alternative to disposal because unlike recycling, reusing doesnt involve any manufacturing or smelting process. Therefore less energy will be consumed resulting in a lower carbon footprint. Recycle CDs can be recycled for use in new products. Specialized electronic recycling companies clean, grind, blend, and compound the discs into a high-quality plastic for a variety of uses, including automotive industry parts, raw materials to make plastics, office equipment, alarm boxes and panels, street lights, and electrical cable insulation, jewel cases. Most CD recycling companies only accept large stockpiles of old, damaged, or unused from businesses. A few companies will accept smaller quantities of discs mailed by individuals. Once the recyclers receive the CDs, they separate the packaging materials, manuals, and CDs for individual recycling processes. You might consider contacting a CD recycling company on behalf of your school or school district-collecting CDs for reuse could be a good school or community fundraising project. Check your local phone book or search the Internet for a list of recyclers, and be sure to have one in place before you begin collecting CDs for recycling. As with most stages of product life cycles, even recycling has environmental tradeoffs. CD recycling is now an emerging technology, which means that many companies are not yet capable of recycling these discs. So, while recycling CDs saves natural resources, the trade-off comes from the amount of fuel and energy thats consumed to transport discs long-distances to an appropriate recycling facility. Disposal Only dispose of your discs when you have no other choice. Always try to share, donate, or trade your discs or drop them off at an appropriate recycling center. CDs and that are thrown away waste energy and result in lost valuable resources.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Survive :: essays research papers

Key Word "SURVIVAL" The key word "SURVIVAL" is an acronym to be used as an "immediate action drill" to be performed at the outset of a wilderness survival situation. Use this simple phrase to plan measures that will assist you in surviving in the wilderness and returning to civilization. The Key Word "SURVIVAL" will provide you with two of the most important survival skills--the ability to organize yourself and the ability to stay calm. A. "S" stands for "Size up the situation." (1) Consider your physical condition and perform any first aid required. (2) Concentrate your senses on getting a feel for the area. (3) Conduct an inventory of the equipment you have. (4) Begin planning. B. "U" stands for "Undue haste makes waste." (1) Reacting without thinking or planning can result in faulty decisions and could result in your death. (2) Acting in haste, just for the sake of action, will make you careless. The natural tendency in a stressful situation is to run. You must overcome this tendency and think of your objectives. (3) If you act in haste, you may lose or forget equipment, you may not make a survival plan, and you may become disoriented and not know your location. As a cultural group. Americans have little patience. Know this weakness if it is your own particular Achilles' heel. C. "R" stands for "Remember where you are." (1) Always knowing where you are on the map and how it relates to the surrounding terrain is a principle no outdoorsman should violate. (2) If in a group, always know the location of the maps and compasses. (3) Guard against the natural tendency of allowing someone else to be responsible for navigation. Always be aware of your route, regardless of the mode of travel. (4) Whether you are in a base camp or on the move, you should always know the following things: (a) Direction or location of the nearest populated area. (b) Direction or location to the nearest major transportation artery (river, highway, railroad track, etc.) (c) Location of local water sources. D. "V" stands for "Vanquish fear and panic." (1) Fear and panic are two of the greatest enemies in a survival situation. These are not unusual emotions. The secret is to recognize them and control them. (2) Fear, panic, and anxiety take their toll on the body. They divert needed energy. (3) Many people have never been alone and without diversion. This could subject them to anxiety. (4) The best way to control fear in a survival situation is preparation, Survive :: essays research papers Key Word "SURVIVAL" The key word "SURVIVAL" is an acronym to be used as an "immediate action drill" to be performed at the outset of a wilderness survival situation. Use this simple phrase to plan measures that will assist you in surviving in the wilderness and returning to civilization. The Key Word "SURVIVAL" will provide you with two of the most important survival skills--the ability to organize yourself and the ability to stay calm. A. "S" stands for "Size up the situation." (1) Consider your physical condition and perform any first aid required. (2) Concentrate your senses on getting a feel for the area. (3) Conduct an inventory of the equipment you have. (4) Begin planning. B. "U" stands for "Undue haste makes waste." (1) Reacting without thinking or planning can result in faulty decisions and could result in your death. (2) Acting in haste, just for the sake of action, will make you careless. The natural tendency in a stressful situation is to run. You must overcome this tendency and think of your objectives. (3) If you act in haste, you may lose or forget equipment, you may not make a survival plan, and you may become disoriented and not know your location. As a cultural group. Americans have little patience. Know this weakness if it is your own particular Achilles' heel. C. "R" stands for "Remember where you are." (1) Always knowing where you are on the map and how it relates to the surrounding terrain is a principle no outdoorsman should violate. (2) If in a group, always know the location of the maps and compasses. (3) Guard against the natural tendency of allowing someone else to be responsible for navigation. Always be aware of your route, regardless of the mode of travel. (4) Whether you are in a base camp or on the move, you should always know the following things: (a) Direction or location of the nearest populated area. (b) Direction or location to the nearest major transportation artery (river, highway, railroad track, etc.) (c) Location of local water sources. D. "V" stands for "Vanquish fear and panic." (1) Fear and panic are two of the greatest enemies in a survival situation. These are not unusual emotions. The secret is to recognize them and control them. (2) Fear, panic, and anxiety take their toll on the body. They divert needed energy. (3) Many people have never been alone and without diversion. This could subject them to anxiety. (4) The best way to control fear in a survival situation is preparation,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Essays on Sonnet CXXX :: Sonnet essays

Sonnet CXXX In our class we have been discussing sonnet cxxx. Many of my classmates believe that Shakespeare was saying that, although this girl is ugly, he still loves her. While others claim that he was not making any statements about her looks, but instead being realistic. It is my view that he was making a point of claiming that his girlfriend was a regular person and not a mythological goddess. Most people have heard on television or in movies, some guy tell his girlfriend that she has eyes as deep as the ocean or lips as soft as velvet. Although these all sound very romantic they are probably not true. In the first line of this sonnet, Shakespeare says "his mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun". then he says that her lips are not as red as coral, and that her skin is not as white as snow. of coarse she doesn't have white skin no person has truly white skin. So to assume that he was stating that she was then dark and pail lipped would be wrong. One cannot claim, that since he says she is not one thing, that he must be implying she is the opposite. He goes on to say that perfume smells better than her breath. never says that In our class we have been discussing sonnet cxxx. Many of my classmates believe that Shakespeare was saying that, although this girl is ugly, he still loves her. While others claim that he was not making any statements about her looks, but instead being realistic. It is my view that he was making a point of claiming that his girlfriend was a regular person and not a mythological goddess. Most people have heard on television or in movies, some guy tell his girlfriend that she has eyes as deep as the ocean or lips as soft as velvet. Although these all sound very romantic they are probably not true. In the first line of this sonnet, Shakespeare says "his mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun". then he says that her lips are not as red as coral, and that her skin is not as white as snow. of coarse she doesn't have white skin no person has truly white skin. So to assume that he was stating that she was then dark and pail lipped would be wrong.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Help with macbeth P.E.E

Explain what medium you will use to present your Ideas (Why you have chosen to do a painting etc) PARA 3 -5 The scenes you have chosen. This Is your PEE Paragraphs 2. Explain which theme you will focus on in your presentation. Why you chose it? 3. Explain why you are doing a sculpture and what you hope to show your audience 4. You are going to explain which scenes best illustrate your theme. (Pick out 3-5 examples that show the breakdown in their relationships) 5. With these examples, you will then write PEE paragraphs. 6.Conclusion The Role of Guilt In Macbeth Guilt plays a strong role In motivating Macbeth, and causes Lady Macbeth to be river over the edge of sanity to her death. Throughout the story, there are many different types of guilty feelings that play a role in Machete's fatal decisions and bring Lady Macbeth to commit suicide. Although there are many instances that show the power guilt has played on the main characters, there are three examples that show this the best. On e is, just after the murder of the great King, Duncan.Guilt overcomes Macbeth where he can no longer think straight. A second example is soon after that, where all the guilt Macbeth feels at first, changes into hate after he decides that Banquet must be killed as well. The last example is Just about at the end of the play, when we see Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, and then later committing suicide; this all because of the burden of her guilt. All of these examples build the proof that In this play, guilt plays a very large role In the characters' lives. Returns to his room to Join his wife.As any person would be, Macbeth is very shaken by his wrong act. Killing a man, not to mention a beloved king is a sin and Macbeth knows it very well! He truly believes he has murdered all innocence, and only worse things will follow. Throughout the scene there are several quotes that show this; † Glacis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Castor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more, † and † Will all great Neptune ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. This shows the amount of guilt he felt. He describes this by saying that if he tried to wash his hands in the river, it would turn into the color of the blood itself. Lady Macbeth attempts to make him stronger, † A little water clears us of this deed: How easy it is then! † But the guilt he feels Just does not go away†¦ At least for the time being. As soon as Act Ill is set up, we see Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquet having a nice friendly conversation. Macbeth was already crowned king, and a dinner was planned for that night. Banquet was to be the â€Å"guest of honor†.Little did any of us know, Macbeth was already conspiring his friend's death. Guilt seems to play a motivating role when he says, â€Å"Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill† What he is referring to, is his guilt; if you do something bad once, it will bother you. If you do it again, it will bother you less. If you keep doing it, it will eventually stop bothering you impolitely. He also admits, (that one time only) in the scene, that after killing Duncan, his morals and guilt were poisoned and used to motivate him to commit more murderous crimes. Fit be so, for Banquets issue have I filed my mind; For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancorous in the vessel of my peace†¦ † Perhaps one of the strongest evidence that shows guilt, is how it affected Lady Macbeth. After the absence of a story line for most of the play, Act V begins by re- entering Lady Macbeth; this time though, she is not at all the woman we were first introduced to. It begins with a discussion between a doctor and a very worried gentlewoman about the failing health of the lady herself.Just as we learn that she has begun to sleepwalk every night, Lady Macbeth comes in, doing Just that. She start s to rub her arms, in a washing motion and says, â€Å"Out damned spot! Out, I say! † and, â€Å"†¦ Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? † The word blood, is really a metaphor for the enormous guilt she feels and her action, in trying to get rid of the guilt by â€Å"washing† and rubbing it away. In the second quote, the â€Å"old man† represents, King Duncan. Who would have known that killing the king carried so much guilt?Her sleepwalking continues as she talks about the death of Lady Macadam. † The thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What, will these hands newer be clean? † After the continuous rubbing motion, Lady Macbeth cries out, â€Å"Here's the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. † She realizes that nothing could ever get rid of the smell of the blood and the guilt caused by all the murders committed by Macbeth. It's also shown here that she feels fully responsible for every person killed by her husband.Just several scenes later, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. What's the reason? It was Just a build up of all The quotes and explanations used throughout this essay, built up proof that guilt played a big role as the motivation for Macbeth, and guilty feelings were brought out through the characters' actions and responses, until the very fatal end. Guilt itself, is a very strong and uncomfortable feeling. It can result though, in many good things, and Just as easily into bad things. This is what happened throughout this story†¦ And this is also why the play has been called, â€Å"The Tragedy of Macbeth. †

Spartans and Special Forces

The Spartans were the Special Forces (SF) of their time. Now we have Delta Force, Navy SEALS, Green Berets, Marine Force RECON and Army Rangers. All are small elite groups of warriors trained to kill. How many of today’s warriors would equal one Spartan? Given the vast differences in technology and the way that battles are fought, who would come out on top? Spartan warriors are taken from their families at the age of seven to begin the training of a warrior. These boys where placed into groups also referred to as â€Å"packs† and sent to Agoge, what we today call boot camp.While in Agoge they became accustomed to hardship and given just minimal amounts of food and clothing to survive. By having just enough to get by they were encouraged to steal. If they where caught stealing they would be punished, not for stealing, but for being caught. The boys where also encouraged to compete in mock fights and games to promote unity. They learned songs of Spartan victories and how to read and write. They didn’t learn how to read and write for cultural purposes, but rather so that they could read maps. When the boys reached the age of 12 they became youths.Much more was demanded of youths than children. They began a more intensified physical training regime, were given extra tasks and discipline became harsher. They were forced to go barefoot and wear only a tunic in both summer and winter. When the boys reached the age of 18 they became young adults. They served as trainers for the youths. Also included in this category where the most promising youths. These elite boys where the ones that stood out among all others and chosen for possible leadership positions. When a Spartan turned 20 years of age he became eligible for service in the military.They joined a â€Å"messes† ( a group meal ) consisting of fifteen men of various ages. The ones who where not chosen for the messes where given a lesser citizenship. Only soldiers where of equal status an d rank. Until the age of thirty the Spartan soldiers spent almost all of their time in the barracks with the unit. This included even soldiers that where married. Spartans remained in the military until the age of sixty. Today, at the age of seven, children are in school and living with their families in a warm home. They have enough food and clothing provided that there is no need to steal.The only type of training they are receiving is basic schooling and fighting gets you in nothing but trouble. The only other type of military training a child can receive would be if they where sent to a military academy and only wealthiest of families can afford to do that. At the age of 12 what was expected of youths is a little more demanding than that of a child. You are expected to do more chores and the physical training is from playing with your friends or gym class at school. We definitely didn’t wear a tunic in both summer and winter and you are only barefoot if you want to be.We have plenty of clothes for all seasons and footwear to stay protected from the elements. Now we reach the age of 18 and you have either graduated from high school or received your GED. Then and only then you are allowed to join the military after meeting one of these two goals. For the most fortunate of this age group, they may go to college. For the ones who want to become leaders in the military they go to a military academy like West Point or The Citadel to become officers. For those who chose to just join the military, they go to basic training. This is nothing compared to what the Spartans have already been through.They have already been in training now for 12 years. Basic training only lasts eight weeks and then you go on to your military occupational specialty (MOS) school which could last up to a year. If you become and infantryman like a Spartan begins as, you have an additional 11 weeks of training to complete. In the Army you can apply for Special Forces Green Berets, and if you are chosen you now begin more intensified training. If you are one of the few enlisted men or officers chosen for Special Forces you now must complete the SF Qualification (Q) Course.The Q Course can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months depending on the MOS you choose. Special Forces soldiers have four MOS categories to choose from: Weapons Expert (18B), Engineer (18C), Medic (18D) and Communications (18E). When an officer trains for SF they are only given one MOS to choose from Career Management (18A). When you have completed your SF training you are then assigned to your unit and then to your team. At age 20 you have been in the military for two to three years and have moved up the ranks to at least a Specialist or Corporal in the Army.If you chose to go one of the military academies you are half way through your training and the process of getting your degree, which is required to be an officer in the military. Unlike Spartans though, today you are allowed to be at home wit h your family and only if you are single you are not committed to staying in the barracks with the unit. There are other daily rituals that you do while with your unit, such as physical training (PT), training with the unit at the range and cleaning your equipment. Those are only a few of the things that you do with the unit.Special Forces units, unlike Spartans, have what is referred to as a Real World Mission, meaning they can deploy to any part of the world within 24 hours. They are SF Teams deployed today in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, the war on drugs in Central and South America and SF Teams in Africa on Peace Keeping missions. When you reach your 20 year mark in the military you have the choice of retiring or staying in longer. If I where to have stayed in for twenty years I would have retired at the age of 42.Being part of the military until the age of 60 is not required of any soldier today. Spartans, like the citizens of many other Greek States, where trained as soldiers and used the Phalanx formation in battle. The Phalanx formation was rectangular in design and the Spartans where the masters in the use of this formation. The traditional formation consisted of a strait line of men in a file 8 to 12 deep. This formation used pushing and required a lot of strength and stamina to endure long days of fighting. The Elite, as they are referred to, would take up the honorary right flank when fighting with their allies.When they broke through the line of the enemy, as they usually did, the Spartans would sweep left and roll through the enemy. The picture below is that of a Phalanx formation and shows the position of Elite forces on the honorary right side of the formation. [pic] [pic] The above picture is that of a Phalanx formation. The tactics of today’s soldier are vastly more superior because of the way battles are fought. Battles today are not fought by masses of men on one field of battle slugging it out with spears, swords and shields. Today, we rely heavily on technology to fight our battles.The Spartans didn’t have the luxury of a Tomahawk cruise missile or artillery barrage to soften a target before attacking the enemy. Special Forces soldiers are taught Small Unit Tactics, SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) tactics, Combat Skills Training and Special Forces Field Craft Training. All of this training combined prepares the soldiers for their Unconventional Warfare Combat Exercise called â€Å"Robin Sage† at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. This exercise demonstrates the skills that the Special Forces soldiers have been taught over a 28 day period.For a Spartan to have achieved this type of training he would have been training for almost 14 years. The Spartan would have been much more refined in his combat skills than the average Special Forces soldier. Spartans wore hoplite armor which consisted of armor with flanged bronze cuirasses, leg greaves and a Corinthia n style helmet. The weapons they would have carried into battle would have been a bronze shield weighing up to 15 pounds known as a Hoplon, a 6 to 10 foot spear called a Sarissas for thrusting at advancing soldiers and a two foot long sword called a Xiphos for thrusting and cutting in close combat.All of this equipment was simple and yet very effective on the battlefield. Below is a picture of a Spartan soldier with all of his equipment needed for battle. [pic] The equipment of a Special Forces soldiers varies drastically from one combat theatre to the next. The basic equipment used consists of a uniform with boots, knee pads, elbow pads, protective eyewear, Interceptor Body armor with Ballistic plates to stop a hi-powered rifle round, a ballistic helmet. The weapons carried by Special Forces Soldiers also vary from mission to mission. The basic weapons carried on a mission for an SF soldier are an M-4 5. 6 millimeter Carbine, M-9 9 millimeter pistol, a bayonet, ammunition for both the pistol and rifle and hand grenades. Below is a group of Special Forces Soldiers posing for a photo in Iraq. [pic] In my opinion, the Spartans would be the toughest of the tough. They endured many more hardships over the span of their lifetime. They where taken from their families at the age of seven and spent their lives in the military. We, on the other hand, have all the luxuries one could ever want, and more. We are not brought up to be killing machines like the Spartans were. Thankfully most of us will never have to kill another human being in our lifetime.References Headquarters, Department of the Army, Field Manual (FM) 3-05, Army Special Operations Forces, September 2006 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from ABC News, Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: November 11, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: November 11, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved: December 12, 2009 from Military Factory, website about ancient and modern weapons and armor Retrieved: December 13, 2009 from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effects of the Social Networking Sites to the Study Habits of the 4th year High School Students Essay

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Nowadays, technology is already taking over the world. They use technology in different ways. It is a big help especially in communicating. Social networking sites are products of technology and also one way of communicating with each other. Everyone is fond of using social networking sites. They consider it as a part of our daily lives. They love sharing pictures, expressing our feelings and thoughts, and blogging about new things. Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and many more. They enjoy using them especially teenagers. They share almost everything they do and express their unsaid thoughts, ideas and emotions. But does their addiction in using these social networking sites still benefits them? They can say that social networking sites are good inventions in terms of connecting and socializing but teenagers who are fond of using these can’t seem to get enough. Some of them or MOST of them certainly use these every now and then. It is really ironic that they still have time to share in social networking sites that they have tons of home works and quizzes instead of just spending their time in studying and doing their school works. For the 4th year students, they really need to have a good time management because they need to imply the requirements they are obligated to do in order to graduate from high school. They need to be responsible in dividing our time in many things but how come that they can still find time to use these social networking sites? Do these social networking sites already affect their study habits? The  researchers want to know if these social networking sites affect the study habits of the 4th year students and how can they maintain good study habits without being distracted. We also wanted to know if these social networking sites can help them in their way of studying. This study is conducted to know the good and bad effects of social networking sites to the students and to know how to improve and prevent it. Background of the Problem One of the obligations of the teenagers is to study. Their role is to become a hardworking student and a good child to their parents. As students, they are expected to give their best in their studies to have good grades. Their parents give every effort they can give to send their children in school with a high quality education. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways in improving the way of educating the students. Technology is one of those. Technology like internet can help to broaden the knowledge of a student and makes it easier for them to study but technology can also be a reason for the students to limit their knowledge in what they can get from here. Internet is the best and easiest contribution of technology in terms of communicating, researching and studying. All of these in just one click. Internet cannot only help the students in doing their home works and researches but also in communicating and socializing. There are a lot of websites used by the teenagers to socialize. These websites are called Social networking sites. In these sites, they can chat with their friends and share photos and thoughts with them. These sites are also used in advertising products that can be useful for the students. These sites are a good invention but they also have disadvantages to the people especially to the students. Good study habits are important in maintaining good grades in school but students tend to overuse these social networking sites which limit their time in studying. They were expected to spend more time in studying but because of these social networking sites they tend to be distracted. They spent most of their time in using their social networking sites and lessen their time in studying. As time goes by, the situations are getting worse. There may come to a point where students will just use their social networking sites instead of studying which may lead to a bigger problem like affecting their grades and way of learning. It may cause their  laziness and non compliance in their subjects. These problems may lead to the bad academic performance. Statement of the Problem The researcher primarily aimed to know how the networking sites affect the study habits of the 4th year students in Divine Light Academy. This study is purposively conducted to know the advantages and disadvantages of the social networking sites to the graduating students and their way of studying. Specifically, this study ought to answer the following questions: 1. Before, students used to concentrate with there studies but now that social networking sites are invented, how does they spend their time in terms of studying? 2. The students are fond of using the internet to accomplish their school works easily but internet also allows them to use social networking sites, Can they concentrate with their school works while using social networking sites at the same time? 3. Good study habits are maintained by the students with the sense of discipline and good time management unfortunately, they became fans of social networking sites can they still have good study habits despite of their continuous use of social networking sites? Hypothesis Null Hypothesis 1. The 4th year students of Divine Light Academy are spending so much time in using social networking sites. 2. They spend less time in studying. 3. They have poor study habits and time management. Operational Hypothesis 1. The 4th year students of Divine Light Academy spend less time in studying when they are using social networking sites 2. They are used of doing their homework and researches while using their social networking sites. 3. They can’t concentrate when they are using social networking sites while studying and they can have better study habits without these sites Conceptual Framework Fig.1 Effects of the Social Networking Sites to the Study Habit Input * How students spend their time each day in terms of Studying and Using Social networking sites? * Do they use social networking sites while doing assignments, especially when doing researches? * Can they concentrate in doing their homework without checking on their blogs or other sites? * In what way can they maintain good study habits? With the use of social networking sites or without the use of social networking sites? * What do they do first once they open a computer to do a research or homework? Process * Observing their performance in class and if they can comply to the requirements * needed in their subjects. * Asking about their study habits and their use of social networking sites. * Interviewing them about their daily routine and their way of balancing their studiesand their use of social networking sites. * Giving questionnaires to the respondents to gather data. Output * By just simply observing, the researcher will know if the student’s performance is satisfying or not. * By asking about their study habits, the researcher will know the reason why their class performance is satisfying or not. * They would feel and know that they need to * improve their study habits and avoid or lessen the distraction. * The lack of study habits can be change with * the questionnaires that are given to them. Definition of Terms 1. Academic Performance- the basis for your overall grades. 2. Blogging- is a way of sharing comments, opinions or articles in internet 3. Communicating- is to impart; to reveal or to share 4. Daily Routine- is a set of things you do in your everyday life. 5. Education- is the systematic training of moral and intellectual faculties. 6. Facebook- is a social networking site wherein you can add new friends, chat and share pictures and comments. 7. Instagram- is a social networking site wherein you can share any photo and video you want. 8. Roles- is the function or part. 9. Social networking sites- are the websites wherein you can socialize with other people. 10. Socializing- is to render socially 11. Students- the beneficiaries and the ones who absorb all the things that the teachers are teaching. 12. Study habits- is the act of acquiring knowledge or application of the mind in a usual or customary time. 13. Teenagers- youth with between 13 and 19 said of age. 14. Time Management- this is the skill to manage your time to finish the things that you wanted to accomplish. 15. Tumblr- a social networking site wherein you can blog any photo, video, quotes or even an article about any topic you want. 16. Twitter- you can share or tweet (as what term used in that site) about anything using 140 characters only. 17. Websites- the pages you used when your using internet Theoretical Framework Before, students used to concentrate with there studies but now that social networking sites are invented their time is divided in using social networking sites and studying each day. They may spend more time in using social networking sites than studying or they may do it the other way around. The students are fond of using the internet to accomplish their school works easily but internet also allows them to use social networking sites while doing their assignments and when they’re doing researches. Can they finish their school works without checking their blogs or other sites? Good study habits are maintained by the students with the sense of discipline and good time management unfortunately, they became fans of social networking sites can they still have good study habits despite of their continuous use of social networking sites? By observing and asking them about their studies and daily routine, we can know if their studies are affected by their addiction of social networking sites. We can observe if they are doing well in their class and if they can concentrate to their studies without being distracted. By just simply observing, the researcher will know if the student’s performance is satisfying or not. The researcher can interpret the data gathered to know the reason why their class performance is like that. The interpreted data will give the researcher the conclusion to the problems stated in the study.